Tag: Advice

Jun 22

The benefits of advice

It’s often a challenge working in the insurance industry, because we essentially provide a product that customers don’t actually want to use. No-one wants their pet to become sick, or their house to suffer a flood or burglary, or their business to experience a cyber-attack. But it’s the potentially devastating physical impact these events can […]
Jun 6

Helping UK Businesses Find Success in America: BritishAmerican Business Launches New Trade and Investment Guide

BritishAmerican Business (BAB) has launched the latest edition of its annual Trade and Investment Guide, a crucial resource for British companies aiming to expand their operations in the United States. This comprehensive guide is designed to assist UK firms in navigating the diverse and extensive US market, offering detailed insights into various sectors and states. […]
Jun 5

How SMEs can navigate the most common financial challenges 

Every business grapples with a diverse range of financial challenges and no company is fully protected from cash flow issues, late invoice payments, and unexpected costs. Understanding these challenges is the first step in navigating them successfully and achieving business success. As James Robson, CEO, FundOnion explains, we know that adopting effective cash flow management […]
Jun 3

Why is nobody already selling my idea

Starting a business often begins with a spark of inspiration. There are some of us who naturally find new opportunities in everything we see, we think, “What if there was a solution to this problem?” or “How could this be easier for people?” This curiosity then leads us to innovative ideas and potential business ventures. […]