Tag: Marketing

Feb 1

Where should you be investing your unused marketing budget this financial year?

Marketing budgets have become far more proactive in recent years, and rightly so. The traditional approach of allocating budgets reactively based on previous performance is out and instead, marketing teams are taking a dynamic approach. To gain sustainable growth, budgets are allocated on activities that drive tangible results that propel the business forward. At this […]
Dec 15

Leave a Lasting Impression on all Your Clients With USB2U’s Branded Tech Products

USB2U’s branded tech products are an excellent way to make a fantastic first impression and lay the foundations of long-lasting relationships with clients, suppliers, and business partners alike. Not only that, but by providing custom tech products you are also able to increase your brand awareness simply and effectively. This increased visibility and brand recognition […]
Jul 26

Business expert shares top tips SMEs can learn from the Barbie movie marketing team

The Barbie movie, it’s everywhere – from social media memes to the temporarily-renamed Barbie-can Centre. Praised for its witty marketing and seemingly endless barrage of promotions leading up to the release date, Barbie has now grossed over $400 million worldwide after less than a week in cinemas. The movie’s extremely successful marketing campaign has seen […]