Tag: Advice

Dec 14

Can Do Better!

As 2023 draws to a close and we stand on the threshold of 2024, it’s a natural time for reflection on both our achievements and unfulfilled aspirations. The transformative impact of the post-COVID work landscape is evident as a substantial portion of the workforce continues to navigate a hybrid work model. The shift towards this […]
Nov 10

Martyn’s Law: What does it mean for businesses following the King’s Speech announcement

The Government’s Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill featured in the King’s Speech 2023 on Tuesday (November 7), indicating the Government’s intention to pass the new law in the coming months. Security expert Marcus Gerrard, of Safetyflex Barriers, discusses what this means for businesses… Business owners will join national efforts to tackle the rising threat of […]
Oct 15

Leading Your Teams Successfully

A strong leader who demonstrates caring for their team is more likely to have a team who in turn care about their own personal goals and successes. A team that cares can mean the difference between moderate and maximum productivity and performance. Not everyone is born with the skillset to lead a team. However, like […]