Tag: Opinion

Sep 29

Political leaders urged to support businesses navigate ‘seismic’ period promising transformational benefits for international trade

On the eve of the Conservative and Labour Party Conferences, new analysis reveals the acute need for greater support to help British businesses navigate a pivotal 15 months of new rules related to international trade. A new report from the Institute of Export & International Trade (IOE&IT) finds that over 20 major policy changes will […]
Sep 22

15 years since the Prompt Payment Code was introduced, has it prompted faster payments?

The Prompt Payment Code (PPC) was introduced to the UK in December 2008 as a voluntary code of practice, administered by the Office of the Small Business Commissioner (OSBC), on behalf of Department for Business and Trade (DBT). As Pat Bermingham, CEO, Adflex explains it set standards for good payment practices between UK-based organisations and their […]
Sep 6

Reflecting a year on from the start of Liz Truss’ Premiership: A Rollercoaster of British Politic

Exactly one year ago, Liz Truss took office as the prime minister of the U.K., promising a transformative era of free-market economics. However, the 12-months that followed her appointment painted an entirely different picture, marked by economic upheaval, political farce, and a series of unexpected events that shook the very core of British politics. We […]
Aug 8

Accounting for Nature

The World Wide Fund for Nature estimates there has been a 69% average loss in the abundance of mammal, bird, reptile, fish and amphibian species since 1970, and more than a quarter of all species are under current threat of extinction. While most business leaders recognise this issue of biodiversity loss and the need to […]