In a world of struggling supply chains and unexpected economic circumstances – ensuring cash flow and profitability is a top priority for many businesses. But shockingly, over half of businesses are still relying on manual checks for their B2B payments – meaning they don’t have a clear view on what their teams are spending and […]
The ability to adapt and change course can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving in today’s fast-evolving economy. In turn, ‘pivot’ has become an increasingly common term in the corporate lexicon, especially over recent years, as companies face unprecedented challenges and opportunities. What is a pivot? A pivot is a strategic shift in […]
Taking accountability can seem daunting but is widely considered the moral thing to do, and the same is true within workplaces. To be able to create a workplace where people feel comfortable and willing to take accountability, both good and bad, it is important that businesses foster a healthy and safe environment. There needs to […]
As buyers (whether that’s B2B or B2C) we’re increasingly savvy. Far from making purchasing decisions alone, we trawl the web in search of trust signals from the brands we may want to buy from, harnessing other people’s experiences, industry credentials, and client lists. But as we acclimatise to the fact that we’re all hyper-connected by technology, […]
It was December 30th, and the honours list was announced on the news. I’d been given a tip off that I may have been included in the 2024 list, so as soon as the news was announced, I went to check the full list and see if my name was there. Nothing. I was gutted, […]
In today’s fast-paced business landscape, the phrase ‘This is how we do things around here’ seems to have lost its relevance. Gone are the days when craftsmen and tradespeople meticulously honed their skills, passing down traditions to the next generation with pride. As we transition from the incremental era of yesteryears to the exponential age […]
Who and what data you trust in business is important and increasingly audits are being used to provide confirmation of the facts – whether to shareholders, potential investors or banks. An audit is a statutory requirement for many businesses and is often performed on a voluntary basis by firms who do not otherwise have a […]
Let’s face it – receiving feedback can be uncomfortable. Even the most well-meaning and gently delivered constructive criticism can feel like a complete shock to the system, and most people do not take feedback as well as they’d perhaps like. This can be problematic enough when it comes to employee experience of performance reviews, but […]
“There’s no substitute for experience.” This is a phrase we hear often in business and our wider lives. But while this commonly refers to choosing people or a company to provide a service, shouldn’t the phrase also apply to the experience your customer receives? Without customers, businesses would not exist. The customer experience they receive […]
If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s how unpredictable the world can be and the importance of planning ahead for challenging circumstances. Here, I’ll discusses the importance of a shareholders’ agreement, particularly when it comes to difficult scenarios. A shareholders’ agreement is an essential tool recommended for any company with two or more […]