HMRC’s new penalty regime for late filing and late payments of VAT will be fairer but more complex with interest being charged on all late payments. Alan Pearce, VAT partner at the Blick Rothenberg, said : “HMRC is introducing a new penalty regime for late filing and late payments of VAT for returns commencing on or after […]
When you’re throwing a multitude of blades from velvet sheaths at the media, you don’t want to be in any way predictable in your approach. With on average 200 press releases arriving in inboxes each day, journalists are swimming in content. Nothing really registers and gets any traction if it’s just the same old same […]
All CEO’s, Founders or Chairmen that get the concept of using their image to promote their business interests get their comms people to regularly push themselves onto TV, onto radio, into newspapers and magazines so they essentially become the personification of the business. Elon Musk, 51 years, is well adept at using a sharp blade […]
The cost of living crisis in the UK has arrived, continually deepening by the day. In an attempt to mitigate the rising costs of basics, consumers are cutting back on expenses both big and small. The nation is now on a strict budget; some are actively trying to spend less, while others are struggling to […]
Whether you go into it kicking and screaming, the elephant in the room of any robust media profile, is, dare I say it, social media. React to the news agenda, or alternatively push out your own practive content, using both traditional media and social media is fast becoming a given. The Berlin Wall that divided […]
The equal and opposite action of reacting to trending news and then coat tail riding the story of the day with your expert opinions – is the seeded or placed story. This is where you set your own news agenda in the form of a bespoke narrative. News reaction through parasitic means and its opposite, […]
HMRC raised £2.9 billion in inheritance tax receipts between April and the end of August 2022, according to new figures released today. This is a £300 million increase from the same period the year before. Under UK law, inheritance tax is paid at 40% on assets valued above a certain threshold. Currently around one in […]
This week we must pause and reflect upon the death of the greatest personal brand of them all, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She is the most famous, trusted face on the planet. Last year, The Express reported that the Queen’s brand is “greater than Nike, Ferrari and Pepsi” according to polling by TV producer […]
The one-line single minded proposition is your ticket to drive on the media motorway. Get it right and you get green lights all the way, and infact you can confidently accelerate, almost like you’re in a jet stream. Get it wrong and you can be stopped by every single red traffic light, traffic jammed for […]
Consumers see thousands of marketing messages and adverts every single day. For businesses and marketers this poses a difficult problem, how can they reach their audience when they’re audience is bombarded with so many messages? Not only do business owners have to fight for their audience’s attention, but this extra competition also drives the cost […]