Category: Columns

Mar 27

The power of a negative review

As buyers (whether that’s B2B or B2C) we’re increasingly savvy. Far from making purchasing decisions alone, we trawl the web in search of trust signals from the brands we may want to buy from, harnessing other people’s experiences, industry credentials, and client lists. But as we acclimatise to the fact that we’re all hyper-connected by technology, […]
Mar 18

Everyone says they want feedback on their ideas – but this isn’t entirely true. Even for the business critical issues

Let’s face it – receiving feedback can be uncomfortable. Even the most well-meaning and gently delivered constructive criticism can feel like a complete shock to the system, and most people do not take feedback as well as they’d perhaps like. This can be problematic enough when it comes to employee experience of performance reviews, but […]
Mar 8

Using a shareholder agreement to avoid conflict, delays and costly mistakes

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s how unpredictable the world can be and the importance of planning ahead for challenging circumstances. Here, I’ll discusses the importance of a shareholders’ agreement, particularly when it comes to difficult scenarios. A shareholders’ agreement is an essential tool recommended for any company with two or more […]