Category: Advice

Jul 26

Intergenerational Learning is Key for Building a Skilled and Engaged Workforce

For the first time, organisations have access to a workforce across five generations, with Baby Boomers working alongside Gen Z. While this may present some challenges, there is a huge opportunity to utilise intergenerational learning, and embrace different opinions, knowledge and experiences. Traditionally, mentoring and learning has been seen as a relationship between older generations, […]
Jul 20

Finding clarity in your business

Every week, when I take business clinics, eager entrepreneurs ask a wide variety of questions, such as “Should I take Investment?”, “Should I expand into the International market?”, “Should I start employing staff?”, “Do I need to invest in a CRM system?”, “should I hire a Social Media agency?”. The list goes on.  But if […]
Jun 22

The benefits of advice

It’s often a challenge working in the insurance industry, because we essentially provide a product that customers don’t actually want to use. No-one wants their pet to become sick, or their house to suffer a flood or burglary, or their business to experience a cyber-attack. But it’s the potentially devastating physical impact these events can […]
Jun 6

Helping UK Businesses Find Success in America: BritishAmerican Business Launches New Trade and Investment Guide

BritishAmerican Business (BAB) has launched the latest edition of its annual Trade and Investment Guide, a crucial resource for British companies aiming to expand their operations in the United States. This comprehensive guide is designed to assist UK firms in navigating the diverse and extensive US market, offering detailed insights into various sectors and states. […]