Category: Advice

Jan 20

Benefits of internships in 2025

As a small business owner building my business from the ground up, I’ve not had the option of hiring full-time staff in the early days of my startup. Instead, interns have played a significant role in helping the business grow. Internships and apprenticeships offer numerous benefits to small businesses (and larger ones too!). After recently […]
Nov 23

Gary Lineker liquidates Goalhanger Films ahead of capital gains tax increase

Gary Lineker, the former England footballer turned broadcaster, has strategically placed his television production company, Goalhanger Films, into voluntary liquidation ahead of upcoming capital gains tax rises. Co-owned with former ITV controller Tony Pastor, the company reported net assets exceeding £440,000 in its last published accounts. The decision comes as the UK government announced in […]
Oct 25

The Reluctant Leader: A Powerful Shift in Business Leadership

In today’s competitive business landscape, successful leadership is often portrayed as assertive, visionary, and highly ambitious. However, an equally powerful yet often overlooked archetype is the reluctant leader. These individuals do not actively seek leadership roles but are thrust into them because of their expertise, integrity, or sense of responsibility. Despite their initial hesitation, reluctant […]