Personal Finance Daily: Fauci tells Americans to ‘hunker down’ this fall and winter, and neighborhoods that were redlined are more vulnerable to COVID-19, research suggests

Personal Finance Daily: Fauci tells Americans to ‘hunker down’ this fall and winter, and neighborhoods that were redlined are more vulnerable to COVID-19, research suggests

11 Sep    Finance News

Hi there, MarketWatchers. Don’t miss these top stories:

Personal Finance
Fauci tells Americans to ‘hunker down’ this fall and winter: ‘It’s not going to be easy’

Coronavirus cases remain ‘unacceptably high’ as schools and restaurants reopen, and flu season approaches

My fiancé wants me to give up my cushy six-figure job to work at his landscaping company. Should I ask him to pay me a salary?

‘Is it fair that I ask for a salary, or just help him grow the business if he continues to pay for everything?’

Two teachers face a difficult choice: One welcomes ‘normalcy,’ while another feels ‘rage.’ COVID-19 has radically altered their feelings about school

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‘The pandemic should be a wake-up call.’ Neighborhoods that were redlined are more vulnerable to COVID-19, research suggests

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Trump announces deal that would normalize relations between Israel and Bahrain

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Noilly Prat, a French favorite, is back in style.

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Also, Joe Biden’s 401(k) plan, plus investing in electric cars — beyond Tesla.

People who tested positive for COVID-19 were twice as likely to report eating recently at a restaurant, CDC report says

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The COVID-19 pandemic is about to enter its most treacherous phase

The assumption that we’re past the worst of the pandemic could be dangerously wrong. In fact, the more dangerous phase of the crisis may actually be coming this fall.

The West burns, coastlines are threatened, and Trump and Biden are too quiet on climate change, say analysts

Hot and dry conditions are aggravating deadly Western U.S. fires and raising fresh alarm over the impact of climate change on natural disasters — except, it would seem, from presidential opponents Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Trump can beat Biden, analyst says — watch for ‘a big Q3 GDP figure,’ a strong first debate

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U.S.’s annual budget deficit tops $3 trillion for the first time ever after coronaravirus relief

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