NewsWatch: Here’s what a falling U.S. dollar means for the stock market

NewsWatch: Here’s what a falling U.S. dollar means for the stock market

26 Jul    Finance News

Barring some sort of currency meltdown, a weaker dollar should be a positive for equities, though foreign stocks will likely benefit more, analysts say. See full story.

White House officials suggest breaking new coronavirus relief package into smaller pieces

White House officials on Sunday suggested they want to break the coronavirus relief measure into pieces. See full story.

Big Tech’s big test arrives in the busiest week of earnings season

Even though Big Tech’s day in the antitrust spotlight is delayed, the coming week will be a big test for the biggest names on Wall Street. See full story.

Fauci tells MarketWatch his one big lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic — and why he won’t fly or eat out

‘We are still in a pretty big first wave,’ says Dr. Anthony Fauci, the veteran epidemiologist. See full story.

Elon Musk: ‘Another government stimulus package is not in the best interests of the people’

The Tesla CEO said a second coronavirus aid package would be ‘jammed to the gills’ with special interests See full story.


Domestic-violence survivors often use cash infusions as a springboard toward safety. See full story.

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