Category: Opinion

Sep 6

Reflecting a year on from the start of Liz Truss’ Premiership: A Rollercoaster of British Politic

Exactly one year ago, Liz Truss took office as the prime minister of the U.K., promising a transformative era of free-market economics. However, the 12-months that followed her appointment painted an entirely different picture, marked by economic upheaval, political farce, and a series of unexpected events that shook the very core of British politics. We […]
Aug 8

Accounting for Nature

The World Wide Fund for Nature estimates there has been a 69% average loss in the abundance of mammal, bird, reptile, fish and amphibian species since 1970, and more than a quarter of all species are under current threat of extinction. While most business leaders recognise this issue of biodiversity loss and the need to […]