CAAS and IFALPA to Work Together on Pilot Aviation Safety Training and Competency Development

CAAS and IFALPA to Work Together on Pilot Aviation Safety Training and Competency Development

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Win-win partnership will help build competencies and raise safety standards

MONTREAL & SINGAPORE — The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today to work together on aviation safety training and competency development. The partnership will help equip aviation professionals with competencies to manage safety challenges and raise aviation safety standards. The MOU was signed by Mr. Han Kok Juan, Director-General of CAAS and Capt. Amornvaj Mansumitchai, President of IFALPA at the sidelines of the Changi Aviation Summit.

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Under the MOU, CAAS and IFALPA will work together to:


Co-develop and co-deliver training programmes and jointly organize seminars and workshops related to aviation safety. These will start with key topical issues such as runway safety, human factors and safety culture and be expanded to cover other emerging issues in future;


Build up a pool of instructors and resource persons for the co-development or co-delivery of aviation safety programmes; and


Leverage existing and establish new outreach platforms to promote aviation safety and institute a strong and positive safety culture amongst the aviation community.

Mr Han Kok Juan, Director-General of CAAS said, “Aviation safety is a top priority of the Singapore air hub as we ramp up operations to meet rising demand for air travel. We have a robust safety regime covering all aviation companies and professionals and will step up training to raise competencies, including amongst pilots who are important safety actors. As an international air hub receiving flights from all over the world, we cannot do this alone. CAAS is deeply honoured to be the first civil aviation authority in the Asia Pacific region to sign an MOU with IFALPA on aviation safety training and competency development. The partnership will help CAAS reach out to pilot communities around the world while allowing IFALPA to tap on CAAS’s experience in aviation safety and our training capabilities at the Singapore Aviation Academy. By working together, we hope to raise safety standards to a higher level.”

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Capt. Amornvaj Mansumitchai, President of IFALPA said, “IFALPA is honored to commence this collaborative journey with CAAS, focused on enhancing aviation safety training and competency development. Through our combined expertise and resources, we strive to provide pilots worldwide with the outstanding training they need to effectively tackle safety challenges. This partnership serves as a testament to our unwavering dedication to cultivating a positive safety culture within the aviation community, while highlighting the importance of partnerships between aviation authorities and pilots’ associations in advancing safety standards globally. Singapore’s recognized status as a hub of expertise for aviation further underscores the significance of this collaboration.”

About the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

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The mission of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) is to grow a safe, vibrant air hub and civil aviation system, making a key contribution to Singapore’s success. CAAS’ roles are to oversee and promote safety in the aviation industry, develop the air hub and aviation industry, provide air navigation services, provide aviation training for human resource development, and contribute to the development of international civil aviation. For more information, visit

About the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations

The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations represents more than 100,000 pilots in nearly 100 countries. The mission of IFALPA is to promote the highest level of aviation safety worldwide and to be the global advocate of the piloting profession, providing representation, services, and support to both our members and the aviation industry.

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For more information:

Ms Rachel Khoo
Assistant Manager (Corporate Communications)
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
Mobile: +65 9653 7047

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