A divorce lawyer revealed the top 5 professions a woman should avoid marrying in a now-viral TikTok

A divorce lawyer revealed the top 5 professions a woman should avoid marrying in a now-viral TikTok

12 Apr    Finance News
Divorce lawyer TikTok

A divorce lawyer’s TikToks have gone viral and sparked discussions.TikTok/ @jettiegirl28

  • A divorce lawyer shared what she says are the five professions a woman should avoid marrying.

  • In a viral TikTok, Katherine Leonard said to avoid men who have jobs where they’re treated like “gods.”

  • She also shared a separate TikTok about the top profession in a spouse men should avoid.

A divorce lawyer with the TikTok user name @Jettiegirl28 shared what she says are the top five professions a woman should avoid in a husband, based on more than a decade in the business.

“Over the course of my career, I’ve watched my most difficult cases and, shockingly, many of them involved men in these five professions,” said the lawyer, who identified herself as KK on the app.

In no particular order, she says that the five worst professions to marry are: firemen, police officers, military men, surgeons, and pilots.

Insider identified KK as Katie K. Leonard, founder and managing partner of The Leonard Firm in Atlanta, Georgia. Leonard did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for comment.

In her video, she adds the disclaimer that there are “outliers,” and not all men in these professions fall into the trend. But in general, she noticed that men in these professions tend to be more “narcissistic” and “controlling.”

“They tend to be far more difficult in dealing with a divorce. They have kind of a ‘nuke the earth, you know, scorch the earth, how dare you challenge me’ kind of approach to litigation,” she continued.

“If you look at these professions, what do they all have in common?” she said. “They’re gods in their profession, right?”

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“If you’re a policeman, you’re walking around with a gun. You’re walking around with authority. If you’re a surgeon, you’re walking around the hospital — everybody looks up to you, you’re in charge, everybody treats you with respect. And then you come home, and all of a sudden, somebody’s asking you to take out the trash. I think that that’s a difficult kind of transition to make,” she said.

Meanwhile, pilots, including those who work in the military, have a lot of responsibility as they are “in control of like 150, 200 people’s lives at a time,” she added. “And they tend to be very narcissistic and very controlling.”

KK’s TikTok has generated more than 1.5 million views and 12,400 comments, with many agreeing with her assessment.

“Uniforms,” the top comment read alongside a red flag emoji, which had more than 15,000 likes.

“Divorced a surgeon, and I can confirm this is true 😁” said another commenter with nearly 2,000 likes.

Users suggested additional professions they’d add to the list, including pastors, athletes, and investment bankers.

KK also made a TikTok in which she revealed the number one profession men should avoid marrying: Stay-at-home mothers.

“When you’re divorcing a stay-at-home mom, they’re paralyzed with fear, and rightfully so because their whole lives are about to change,” she said.

“There’s lots of things that they don’t know financially about what’s going on, so they tend to stick their head in the sand and stall,” she continued in the video that has since gotten more than 2.9 million views.

Read the original article on Insider

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