Union Minister Piyush Goyal on Sunday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s welfare schemes have ensured no family goes to sleep hungry. He was speaking at an event to lay the foundation stone of a mega textile park in Gandhwani, some 60 kilometres from here. It was also attended by Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh […]
The country’s exports are likely to register a “reasonable level” of growth in the current financial year despite the global uncertainties on the trade front, Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal has said. Clearly, there are signs of a global slowdown in international trade and India is keeping a “watchful” eye on the developments by […]
Commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal on Sunday asked the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to find a permanent solution to the long-pending issue of public-stockholding for food security. In his intervention at the plenary session of the WTO’s 12th ministerial conference (MC) in Geneva, he also asked advanced fishing nations to take on the responsibility […]