Tag: inflation

Jun 21

Supply side risks to inflation persist: Finmin flags wider deficit concerns

The finance ministry on Monday warned of a widening of the twin deficits potentially creating the risk of a cycle of wider deficits and weaker rupee, and said that “rationalisation” of non-capex expenditure has, therefore, become critical. “Near-term challenges need to be managed carefully without sacrificing the hard-earned macroeconomic stability,” the ministry said in the […]
Jun 10

Data Drive: Rising global wealth

Despite the pandemic and rising inflation in many economies, global financial wealth touched $530 trillion in 2021, a rise of almost 11% from 2020, the fastest rate in over a decade. Strong equity markets and a surge in demand for real estate helped propel the gains, according to Boston Consulting Group’s Global Wealth 2022 report. […]
Jun 2

The inflation conundrum: Protection provided by govt through tax cuts might be partial, and these can be done only to a limit

How effective are governments and central banks in controlling the economy? This question has become relevant in the face of high inflation throughout the world. Central banks everywhere have started increasing their policy rates or are contemplating the same. Governments, too, are trying to control inflation, a recent example from India being the Centre’s decision […]