Over $20 Million for Teacher Preparation Awarded to HPU’s Stout School of Education

Over $20 Million for Teacher Preparation Awarded to HPU’s Stout School of Education

14 Oct    Finance News

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The additional U.S. Department of Education grant more than doubles the amount HPU will receive.

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High Point, North Carolina, Oct. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — HIGH POINT, N.C., Oct. 14, 2022 – High Point University’s Stout School of Education is one of only six universities in the nation and the only one in North Carolina to be awarded a Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED) grant. The nearly $10.4 million grant doubles the recent nearly $10 million grant awarded to HPU by the U.S. Department of Education to fund graduate programs for teachers and principals.

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 The SEED grant provides HPU with $10,390,282 to develop the capacity of current principals or central office leaders to transform schools. The grant is in addition to the recent Teacher Quality Partnership grant, which set the record for the largest competitive grant ever awarded to HPU, said Dr. Amy Holcombe, dean of the Stout School of Education. In total, the Stout School of Education will receive more than $20 million over the next five years.

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 HPU will use its SEED grant to fund an Executive Education Program for senior level leaders in 18 partner school districts, Holcombe said. The graduate-level programming can be used toward a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership.

 “The SEED grant, in partnership with the Piedmont Triad Education Consortium and the Center for Creative Leadership, will allow senior level educators to complete up to three graduate certificate programs at no cost,” said Holcombe. “These graduate certificates are stackable toward the completion of a doctoral degree and a superintendent license. Additionally, all participants will receive one year of executive coaching from a trained expert in their field and will have the opportunity to attend two state leadership conferences.”

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 The 18 partner school districts include: Alamance-Burlington, Asheboro City, Caswell County, Chapel Hill/Carrboro City, Chatham County, Davidson County, Davie County, Guilford County, Lexington City, Montgomery County, Mount Airy City, Randolph County, Rockingham County, Stokes County, Surry County, Thomasville City and Winston-Salem/Forsyth County.

 “HPU and the Stout School of Education are supporting the development of senior level leaders across the Piedmont region of North Carolina,” adds Holcombe. “When our schools have strong leaders, our teachers are well-supported and choose to stay working in their schools. Ultimately, this has a very positive impact on student outcomes. This program is strengthening the overall quality of education in North Carolina and providing our leaders with growth experiences that otherwise would not be possible.”

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 Both funding opportunities position HPU’s Stout School of Education with a unique ability to increase the number of highly effective teachers, principals or other school leaders within 18 school districts in North Carolina, said Dr. Tina Sayuri Johnson, HPU associate professor and PREPARE Program director.

 “The first project, called PREPARE Plus, addresses the teacher shortage by attracting diverse teacher and principal candidates who serve in highly-impacted schools,” said Johnson. “The second project, called ASCEND, seeks to recruit and prepare school leaders to serve in high-need school communities while increasing leadership diversity, leader performance and retention through certificate course offerings, executive coaching and capacity building. Ultimately, the common thread in both programs is to support optimal conditions for growth and proficiency within the schools of North Carolina.”

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 These grants aren’t the first HPU’s Stout School of Education has received to positively improve area school systems. HPU previously received a state grant to begin the High Point Leadership Academy, which prepares highly effective school principals who have taken leadership roles at partnering school districts across the state.



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