Guarding Against Prenatal Infections For Expecting Mothers

Guarding Against Prenatal Infections For Expecting Mothers

6 Jun    Business, Finance News

Excitement, elation, anxiety, agitation – these are just some of the adjectives one can use to describe pregnancy. The nine or so months change a woman completely – both physically and mentally.

During such a testing time, every expecting mom makes their number priority to guard themselves against potential infections that could harm their baby and themselves. This is where the role of a gynae obstetrics specialist is crucial, since they can gauge your condition, and advise on the best way forward. In this article, we will be taking a look at the most common prenatal infections, their prevention and treatment.


Experts estimate that one in every 150 babies is born with a congenital Cytomegalovirus. Commonly referred to as CMV, the virus is transferred from mother to the child through the placenta. Pregnant women may either be freshly infected or carriers of the CMV virus.

Pregnant women are more likely to get the CMV virus from young children than from older kids or adults. You can lower your chance of contracting CMV and transferring it to your unborn child by minimizing your contact with the saliva and urine of newborns and very young children.


Listeriosis is a dangerous foodborne illness that is ten times more likely to affect expecting mothers as compared to the general population. To prevent Listeriosis, a gynae or obstetrics specialist would recommend staying away from unpasteurized milk and the foods prepared from it, such as cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.

Additionally, they’d recommend avoiding canned meat and hot dogs until they have been cooked to an internal temperature of 165°F. The initial signs of illness might take up to 30 days to manifest, although fever, exhaustion, and nausea are common symptoms of the condition. Listeriosis can cause a serious infection in the unborn child, premature birth, or even a miscarriage.

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Group B Strep

Group B Strep, or GBP is a malignant bacteria dwelling in the urinary tract, digestive system, and reproductive system. It can cause mild to severe infections in regions such as the lungs, bones, and tissues.

Most infants born to GBS mothers, who follow through an adequate antibiotic course during birth, do not have any issues. However, GBS can cause severe illness in newborns who don’t get the right treatment. Due to their underdeveloped bodies and immune systems, premature newborns are more susceptible to contracting GBS than full-term babies.

Zika Virus

Pregnant women can transmit the Zika virus to their unborn child if not treated timely. Among other serious brain abnormalities, a pregnancy-related Zika virus infection can result in microcephaly, a birth abnormality.

The main carrier for Zika virus transmission is the Aedes mosquito. Zika can also spread through unprotected sexual contact with an infected individual, even if they do not exhibit symptoms.

Pregnant women are advised by the best gynecologists in Dubai to carefully assess the hazards of traveling to other locations and to avoid areas where Zika outbreaks are occurring, as well as getting tested for it.


THe screening for Human Immune Virus will be typically done during the second trimester of your pregnancy. Although HIV can be passed on to your unborn, chances are that if you’re healthy, exhibit no symptoms, your baby might not contract it. Your specialist will discuss the management plan with you, as well as advising you not to breast or chest feed.

Treatment for HIV during your second trimester drastically reduces chances of your baby getting the disease, In fact, only 2 in 100 babies contract the disease from their HIV-affected moms. After birth, your child will be tested for HIV at short intervals.

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How to Prevent Pregnancy-Related Infections?

Here are the best ways for you to navigate your pregnancy without infections and diseases:

  • Consult your physician about the recommended immunizations
  • Discuss GBS and STI screening testing with your physician
  • Steer clear of unpasteurized milk and its derivatives
  • Minimize coming into touch with infants’ and young children’s pee and saliva
  • Hands-wash often

Should you still feel something wrong with your body, or are unable to feel your baby’s movement in your belly, waste no time in reaching out to a specialist – acting in time can avert a serious health risk for you and your baby.

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