Category: Finance News

Jan 16

The Trump administration threatened 25% tariffs on European cars if Britain, Germany, and France didn't play ball on Iran

Trump and Lighthizer Reuters/Kevin Lamarque The Trump administration threatened three European governments with 25% auto tariffs if they didn’t play ball with Iran and call out its government for violating the 2015 nuclear deal, according to a report from the Washington Post. Officials in Britain, France, and Germany received the threat, and they were stunned […]
Jan 15

Bernie Sanders says 500,000 people a year declare bankruptcy over medical expenses — here’s how to avoid that fate

During Tuesday’s democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders used one of his most-repeated lines to attack former Vice President Joe Biden’s stance on health care. ‘You’ve got 500,000 people going bankrupt because they cannot pay their medical bills.’ —Sen. Bernie Sanders, an Independent from Vermont and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, speaking at Tuesday’s CNN debate […]
Jan 15

As the Trump administration fills board seats, critics see an alarming attempt to remake government

President Trump greets actor Jon Voight, a National Medal of Arts recipient, during the award ceremony on Nov. 21. (Photo: Tom Brenner/Reuters) WASHINGTON — On April 10, 2017, Daniel Jorjani, a top Interior Department political appointee, sent an email to Brian Hooks, president of the conservative Charles Koch Foundation, soliciting individuals to join the board […]