Author: CapitalGainsFund

Mar 29

Capitol Report: President Trump cheers his TV ratings and taunts the ‘lamestream media,’ as coronavirus death toll rises

The silver lining for the Trump administration during this coronavirus pandemic: It makes for fabulous television, apparently. A real blockbuster. Must-see TV! Like, we’re talking “The Bachelor” and “Monday Night Football” ratings, according to data cited by the president. In fact, “numbers are continuing to rise,” Trump tweeted, though he didn’t clarify whether he was […]
Mar 28

Market Extra: These indicators suggest a stock-market bottom, but coronavirus fears could send the S&P 500 swooning again

U.S. stocks staged an impressive rebound in the past week as the Federal Reserve and Congress have delivered unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus aimed at dampening the blow the coronavirus epidemic has dealt to the U.S. economy. The question investors must now ask themselves is whether or not the equities market has already hit the […]
Mar 28

Key Words: As coronavirus ravages his native New York, media mogul David Geffen observes a sunset from his $400 million superyacht: ‘I’m hoping everybody is staying safe’

If ever there were doubts about how the superaffluent are faring amid a pandemic for the ages, media mogul David Geffen wants to make it abundantly clear that, for his part, he’s doing just fine — and he wishes us all the best. Geffen, whose net worth is estimated at $7.5 billion, according to Forbes, […]
Mar 28

The Wall Street Journal: Government wanted us to splurge on electronics with past stimulus checks; this time it aims to help us buy essentials

Americans want the federal government to show them the money — and lawmakers are eager to do just that. A key provision of the economic-relief package passed by Congress is a plan to send one-time cash payments, worth an estimated $250 billion in total, to more than 150 million American households. See: Trump wants his […]
Mar 28

NewsWatch: What the $2 trillion stimulus means for you — and how the ‘recovery rebates’ to households will be calculated

MARKETWATCH FRONT PAGE President Donald Trump passed the historic bill on Friday. See full story. I’m retired and claim Social Security — do I still get the $1,200 stimulus check? Congress is expected to pass a bill giving Americans hurt by the coronavirus crisis financial relief. See full story. Coronavirus update: 615,519 cases, 28,717 deaths; […]
Mar 28

Deep Dive: You can be ‘practically stealing’ quality stocks now, according to Jefferies

Investors are trying to get ahead of an eventual turnaround for the stock market, even as the coronavirus spreads further across the U.S. Analysts at Jefferies have published a list of 47 stocks that they believe have “strong fundamentals” and attractive valuations, with opportunities created by “indiscriminate selling” over the past month. The largest of […]
Mar 28

A Wuhan seafood vendor believed to be one of the first coronavirus patients says 'a lot fewer people would have died' if the Chinese government acted sooner

STR/AFP via Getty Images Wei Guixian, a 57-year-old seafood vendor in Wuhan, China, was among the first 27 people to be diagnosed with the coronavirus, which originated from the wet market where she worked. Wei first began exhibiting coronavirus symptoms on December 10 and was admitted to the hospital less than a week later, with […]