Author: CapitalGainsFund

Aug 5

The Tell: Historian who has accurately called every election since 1984 says Biden will beat Trump in 2020 race

The historian who is known affectionately as the granddaddy of presidential prediction models says that Democratic presumptive nominee Joe Biden is a shoo-in to win the 2020 presidential race. The American University historian Allan Lichtman’s predictions are worth paying attention to because he has accurately forecast every election since 1984, including President Donald Trump’s stunning […]
Aug 5

The Margin: $30 to watch ‘Mulan’ on Disney+ is either outrageous or an amazing deal, depending on who you ask 

The battle lines have been drawn.  Disney’s decision to release its live-action “Mulan” movie on Disney+ for a $30 fee has split audiences into two camps. They include those furious about being charged three Hamiltons to watch something on a service that they are already paying for, when other releases (like, well, “Hamilton”) are included […]