Most students at California’s public universities won’t be returning to classes this fall.
University of California schools, which include Berkeley and UCLA among its 10 campuses, left the door open for some sort of return to campus but said all schools were preparing to be primarily online because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The California State University System, which includes 23 campuses and enrolls 500,000 students, was more definitive, saying it is canceling most in-person classes and will instead hold them online
The twin announcements made Tuesday come as schools across the U.S. struggle whether to bring students back in the fall, teach them remotely or create a hybrid system incorporating both.
For the system, the ability to bring so many people together in proximity “sadly just isn’t in the cards now,” said Dr. White, who made the announcement at a Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday. He said exceptions will be made for a small number of hands-on learning experiences such as training with mannequins for nursing students and capstone projects for engineering, architecture and agriculture students.
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