Tag: Opinion

May 21

Why embracing Industry 5.0 is a game changer for SMEs

Many of the challenges faced by businesses today are complex, multifaceted and interconnected – requiring a combination of human ingenuity and technological capabilities to solve. Professor Chris Harrop OBE, Made in Britain Chairman explains that while Industry 4.0 revolutionised production – with the transformative impact of automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things […]
May 10

Change for the better

The phrase “Nothing stays the same” is often used when we look perhaps nostalgically at the past. I expect it was something we might have said to ourselves a lot four years ago when we were asked to stay at home during the repeated pandemic-related lockdowns, to make us remember that all things shall pass. […]
May 7

Trading Digitally: Understanding The Regulatory Requirements For Selling Age Restricted Products Online

E-commerce continues to grow in popularity with over 20% of purchases expected to occur online in 2024. This growth can be attributed to various factors, including online retailers now selling a variety of products and customers increasingly looking for discounts, greater choice and convenience. In recent years consumers have increasingly used online retailers to purchase […]