Regulator Irdai has constituted a task force to facilitate ease of doing Know Your Customer (KYC) by insurers using Aadhaar, the 12-digit individual identification number. In a circular, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Irdai) said presently, the UIDAI framework allows insurance companies to indentify the customer by using his/her Aadhaar with consent […]
As insurance regulator Irdai has allowed the general insurance companies to design new and customised products for dwellings, micro and small enterprises for fire and allied perils, this new guideline will provide policyholders more options to select products. And, competition among the insurers on product features is expected to bring innovation to the industry. The […]
When buying a motor insurance policy, one must look at a comprehensive policy along with add-on covers such as zero depreciation, engine cover,.vehicle replacement, roadside assistance and towing, etc. These optional add-on covers will cover those elements which are excluded from the policy. Comprehensive cover A comprehensive motor insurance will cover own-damage as well as […]