Do you know what your business pays in sales and marketing costs to attract one additional customer? Do you know the average profit your business realises from a future customer relationship? Gaining insight into your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and Lifetime Value (LTV) is crucial. The long-term success of your business depends, at least to […]
Corporate fundraising is where businesses and private companies raise money for charity and donate to good causes. Often it is in the form of cash or an in-kind gift to a charity. You can take part in corporate fundraising much easier than you may first assume, with every business having opportunities to branch out with […]
Google is currently in the process of rolling out one of its biggest updates in a long time and if you own a website, it’s likely to affect you. Google holds around 90% of the search engine market share, with the majority of online traffic coming from the Search Engine any updates they make to […]
The proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) has been rapid, with 9 in 10 leading businesses (across 112 countries) leveraging some form of the technology within their operations. New use cases are constantly emerging, with businesses across diverse sectors worldwide benefitting from enhanced analytics, productivity and a reduction in manual tasks. In a rapidly evolving environment […]
In 2001 the average life of a British business was 10.7 years. By last year that number had dropped to 8.6 years. In just over two decades the lifespan of British businesses has dropped by 20%. Part of that drop is down to business failure. Last year the UK fell into recession and with it […]
For several decades received wisdom has told us that property investment is the best way to watch your wealth grow. There’s something powerful about investing in a tangible asset you can touch, see and control. Contrast this with purchasing shares in a conglomerate that is intangible, but can – entrusted to a financial expert – […]
I’ve always been drawn to and had a fascination for exceptional leaders, particularly in the realm of business. I find myself thinking, “What distinguishes these personalities?” “Which qualities and strategies drive them to the top of their respective sectors and industries?” I have been lucky enough to meet some of the top business leaders on […]
A significant amount of new employment legislation is coming into effect in April 2024, all of which will have implications for employers. Here are the key changes you need to know about. Family-friendly rights Flexible working Currently, an employee needs 26 weeks’ service to make a flexible working request. For requests made on or after […]
Have you been tasked with organising a fun team bonding activity and have no idea where to start? Don’t worry – this article will help to guide you and hopefully make it as painless as possible! Have all the obvious options been done? So dinner and drinks just doesn’t cut it anymore? Here are five […]
One of the major trends in business in recent years has been the role of the workplace. Some companies are making the office a destination to encourage employees in, while there have been grandiose exclamations that the office is dead. Yet it was only eight years ago that the first major report to explore the […]