There may be few certainties in life, but when it comes to the marketing world, there are several hard facts that account for why it is really, really tough to go from being a small business to a large one. Some of these issues are simply a byproduct of how our economy works, while others […]
The phrase “Nothing stays the same” is often used when we look perhaps nostalgically at the past. I expect it was something we might have said to ourselves a lot four years ago when we were asked to stay at home during the repeated pandemic-related lockdowns, to make us remember that all things shall pass. […]
Developing brand awareness in the market is one of the most challenging barriers that small businesses face. SMEs can easily miss out on potential sales opportunities if they don’t market themselves effectively as customers, buyers and suppliers won’t know where to find them or what’s on offer. It doesn’t take a Lord Sugar to know […]
Philip King FCICM, former Small Business Commissioner and advisor to PKF Littlejohn Advisory, believes a ‘back to basics’ approach would help many businesses overcome the late-payment challenge. It is an established fact that companies often become insolvent not because they are inherently bad businesses, but simply because they run out of cash. Poor cashflow management, compounded […]
The new financial year is often an opportunity to get organised for the year ahead. For self-employed parents juggling the demands of running a business with caring for their family, it could also be a good time to review the family planner and take a fresh look at the household budget to ensure they’re getting […]
Getting a business off the ground brings with it many challenges. And, when it then comes to scaling up, leaders will have to contend with a whole other set of matters. But the hard work is worth it and rewards plentiful. Only 1% of UK’s SMEs are scale-ups, or firms with high-growth potential, and yet […]
Over the past two decades I have been lucky enough to work with dozens of business and political leaders. The best leaders are those that are able to make professional decisions quickly based on the information available to them. But this does not mean they are immune to procrastination. They are just using tools to […]
Most of us aspire to be remembered fondly and reverently, having left a positive mark on the world, or the business you have been at the helm of. ‘Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.’ (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) As useful as it would be, none of us have a […]
When considering possible exit routes for your business, selling to an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) can have several benefits, but a word of caution, this is not an exit route that can just be unilaterally imposed on your management team. I recently met with a business owner who had decided that sale to an EOT […]
Business process outsourcing has skyrocketed since covid, with 48% of companies now outsourcing their work. Whilst saving time and resources, outsourcing your marketing is an effective way to pool real expertise, gain access to advanced marketing tools, minimise overhead and improve return on investment (ROI). With outsourcing, businesses can focus on core activity and provide […]