Stories that matter: applications for the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize now open until 28 April

Stories that matter: applications for the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize now open until 28 April

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The Lorenzo Natali Media Prize, the EU’s flagship journalism award, opens for applications today. Journalists can apply by submitting eligible stories until midnight of 28 April.

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The Prize recognises and honours the work of journalists from around the world which shed a light on the most pressing global challenges.

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The European Commission calls on journalists reporting on issues relating to inequality, poverty eradication, sustainable development, environment, biodiversity, climate action, digital, jobs and employment, education and skills development, migration, healthcare, peace, democracy and human rights to apply online.

Reporters can submit written, audio-visual or multimedia work in one of the following categories:

  • International Prize: reporting published by a media outlet based in one of the European Union’s partner countries.
  • Europe Prize: reporting published by a media outlet based in the European Union.
  • Best Emerging Journalist Prize: reporting by a journalist aged under 30 at the time of publication and published by a media outlet based in any of the countries eligible for the International and Europe Prizes.
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Applications are open to reporting in any language but should be accompanied by a translation in one of the competition languages: English, French, Spanish, German or Portuguese.

Detailed information on the terms and conditions is available here.

Selection of winners

A Grand Jury of internationally renowned journalists and representatives from key non-governmental organisations from around the world will choose the winners in each category.

Each winner will receive €10 000. The winner of the Best Emerging Journalist category will also be offered a work experience with a media partner.

The winners will be announced at the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize Award Ceremony in Brussels later in 2023.


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The Prize commemorates the former Vice-President of the European Commission, Lorenzo Natali, who contributed significantly to the promotion and furthering of European development policies. His spirit has been kept alive through the Prize for the last three decades by celebrating journalists whose stories inspire change. The Prize was first launched by the European Commission in 1992.

Previous winners are listed on the website of the Lorenzo Natali Prize.

For more information

Apply for the 2023 Lorenzo Natali Media Prize here

Lorenzo Natali Media Prize website

Directorate-General for International Partnerships


“The Lorenzo Natali Media Prize is a recognition of quality journalism and the vital role that journalists play in our societies. Through their stories, we can gain a better understanding of the complex world around us. They shed light on structural problems, and their reporting is often the first step in correcting injustices. I encourage all journalists who subscribe to sustainable development to apply and join us in honouring the stories that truly matter.”

Jutta Urpilainen, Commissioner for International Partnerships


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