Mysterious brain found wrapped in foil on Lake Michigan beach, police say

Mysterious brain found wrapped in foil on Lake Michigan beach, police say

17 Sep    Finance News

A man in Wisconsin made a disturbing discovery while searching for sea glass along Lake Michigan.

James Senda said he was taking a walk along a beach at Myers Park in Racine Tuesday morning when he noticed something wrapped in aluminum foil, WDJT reported.

Senda stopped and picked it up.

“Curiosity got to me, so I popped it open and it looked like a chicken breast — kind of. It took a little bit for it to really (register) what was going on,” he told WITI.

Senda said the object appeared to be a brain, according to the outlet.

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The brain was wrapped in the foil with a flower and what appeared to be foreign currency, WDJT reported.

Police responded to the beach just before 9 a.m., The Journal Times reported.

Officials opened an investigation and sent a sample of the object to the medical examiner’s office for testing, according to the newspaper.

Police said the medical examiner determined the brain is not human, WDJT reported. It has not been reported what animal the brain came from.

Racine is about 25 miles south of Milwaukee along Lake Michigan.

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