Mutual Funds Weekly: These money and investing tips can help you figure out where stocks are now and where they could be going

Mutual Funds Weekly: These money and investing tips can help you figure out where stocks are now and where they could be going

31 May    Finance News

Don’t miss these top money and investing features:

These money and investing stories, popular with MarketWatch readers this past week, offer ideas about how to manage your financial portfolio and invest strategically at a time when investors have become more optimistic — even as uncertainty about the coronavirus pandemic, corporate earnings and the global economy’s prospects clouds forecasts and limits expectations.

How Warren Buffett is fighting to ‘keep the wolves away’ from Berkshire Hathaway

Famed investor values long-term ‘high quality’ shareholders.
How Warren Buffett is fighting to ‘keep the wolves away’ from Berkshire Hathaway

Here’s why Warren Buffett made a huge mistake selling his airline stocks

Industry insiders at these airlines are buying up shares of their companies.
Here’s why Warren Buffett made a huge mistake selling his airline stocks

Why the stock market right now is stronger than even the most bullish investors believe

94% of S&P 500 stocks currently trade above their 50-day moving average.
Why the stock market right now is stronger than even the most bullish investors believe

Hulbert: My stock market forecast for June is likely wrong — but watch out for August

The March lows of the coronavirus crash could still be tested, writes Mark Hulbert.
Hulbert: My stock market forecast for June is likely wrong — but watch out for August

Momentum is becoming less profitable as a stock-market strategy

High-momentum stocks are losing their appeal, and that trend goes beyond the reversal of the last two months.
Momentum is becoming less profitable as a stock-market strategy

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7 day-trading mistakes everyone makes but you can avoid

Quarantine and a stimulus check are bringing out people’s inner day trader
7 day-trading mistakes everyone makes but you can avoid

This is the time for active managers to shine, Goldman notes. How — and what — are they doing?

Managers of hedge funds and mutual funds are worlds apart on a lot of investing decisions, but do have some overlap. Investors may be able to learn from both.
This is the time for active managers to shine, Goldman notes. How — and what — are they doing?

Before pulling money from your retirement account, ask yourself these 5 tough questions

Penalties for withdrawing funds early are waived temporarily, but caveats remain.
Before pulling money from your retirement account, ask yourself these 5 tough questions

Coronavirus is now turning financial advisers into grief counselors for families who have lost a loved one

Managing people’s money often involves helping them manage their emotions.
Coronavirus is now turning financial advisers into grief counselors for families who have lost a loved one

One manager’s search for fresh investment opportunities

David Bahnsen, CIO for The Bahnsen Group, discusses how he’s putting money to work and unpacks his view on markets and the economy.
One manager’s search for fresh investment opportunities

How the government creates stimulus money

Both Congress and the Federal Reserve are pumping trillions of dollars into the economy to fight the economic damage caused by the coronavirus. WSJ explains where all that stimulus money is coming from.
How the government creates stimulus money

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