In One Chart: Republicans pick favorite candidates for 2024 election: more Trumps

In One Chart: Republicans pick favorite candidates for 2024 election: more Trumps

11 Jan    Finance News

Rick Wilson won’t be surprised by this chart.

The Republican strategist and fierce Trump critic — he wrote “Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever” — told the L.A. Times last month that the Trump name could remain in the White House well beyond even a second term for Donald Trump.

“I honestly think Don Jr. or Ivanka will be the nominee in 2024,” Wilson said in the interview. “Because the party doesn’t care about any of the issues that used to drive the party. Now they care about Trump.”

Clearly, he’s not the only one thinking that way.

According to a recent SurveyMonkey poll, Republican voters recently chose President Trump’s kids — Donald Jr. is 42, and Ivanka is 38 — as two of their top for picks for 2024.

Here’s the breakdown from Axios:

As you can see, Vice President Mike Pence tops the list, followed by the guy who just posted this picture, featuring an apparent line drawing of Hillary Clinton behind bars and other controversial symbology — on his Instagram account:

Axios explained that early polls like this are typically a measure of name ID, but they are also a “vivid illustration of just how strong Trump’s brand” among today’s self-identified Republican voters.

If one of Trump’s kids were to win the presidency in 2024, it would be the fourth time a direct descendant of a president became president.

See also  Media Mayhem

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