How are we drawing connection between online learning and behavioural change

How are we drawing connection between online learning and behavioural change

26 Jun    Finance News

By Maninder Singh Bajwa

In the world of technological advancements, the internet and applications have become an integral part. The rise of the digital age has not only changed the way we live, but also how we operate businesses. Akin to other industries, the utilization of the internet continues to revolutionise the education sector.

The days of being physically present in the classroom are long gone. Owing to the recent pandemic, educational institutions were embracing technology to impart knowledge in digital classrooms. Today, online learning is at the forefront of driving noticeable change in the education system.

Digital transformation- building the learning system

Digital transformation is constantly modifying the learning process and influencing student behaviour. The digital learning revolution has enhanced the ability to evolve by providing on-time training solutions by becoming more adaptable and goal-focused. The ability of the students to learn and study is no longer constrained by time or place.

We have seen that accessibility of time and space, as well as affordability, is a wealth of benefits that come with the adoption of online learning. Additionally, the government is striving to ensure growth in rural and urban areas by extending the availability of digital sources such as YouTube, which has made learning more accessible. E-learning is widely accessible to everyone, and students can learn wherever they want and at their own pace.

While online learning proffers many perks, it also poses challenges in a few areas. For starters, it may lead to lowering students’ attention on academics due to the features’ the internet offers. Another drawback is that it limits the in-person interaction between students and their peers. Furthermore, technology also exposes students to the online threat, where cybersecurity events can solemnly impair essential services. Cybercrime is a significant, growing problem for young students who lack an understanding of online safety.

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Relationship between e-learning and behaviour change

E-learning with specific training objectives

When a student enrolls in online courses, they end up adopting new habits that seamlessly replace old patterns of behaviour. Even traditional courses rely on new behaviors, such as assisting a learner in remembering to review their notes or responding successfully to a situation. In a new-age classroom, focusing on knowledge and concepts can engage students more dynamically.

Students Collaboration

When new students begin attending the classroom, their enthusiasm may carry them through the first several weeks. However, it takes around weeks for a behaviour to become a habit, and learners’ excitement is unlikely to last without assistance. Preparing students for the stretch before the habit takes hold, can help them stick with it. Setting expectations goes a long way toward preventing children from becoming overly exhausted.

Goals and Milestones

Goals and milestones allow students to track their progress while also establishing a baseline for how quickly they should anticipate growth in the future. An online platform can assist in lowering false expectations and holding people accountable for the goals they establish for themselves.


When it comes to motivating students, offering prizes and incentivizing is an excellent way to assist them and motivate their accomplishments. Encouraging youth to improve every day—even if only for a few minutes—can have a major impact.

Prompts micro-learning

If the learner is facing more effort, it becomes necessary to maintain and attain the desired behaviour. Micro learning is a great way to break down difficult skills into smaller and easier-to-master components. Hence, short lessons of less than a few minutes are extraordinary for developing habits.

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With the advent of technology, everybody is now treading on an online path. In this scenario, online learning is becoming more accessible and the internet is supporting it by all means, but it can turn out to be a breeding ground for danger. It’s important that parents understand the various risks associated with cybercrime that their kids can be exposed to via online learning. However, in the presence of their family and peers, students can make mindful decisions and prevent themselves from indulging in malicious acts that can affect their future growth. Hence, adopting the hybrid way of learning will benefit students to boost their morale with technological support.

The author is, CEO and founder, iScuela.

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