Category: Opinion

Aug 8

Accounting for Nature

The World Wide Fund for Nature estimates there has been a 69% average loss in the abundance of mammal, bird, reptile, fish and amphibian species since 1970, and more than a quarter of all species are under current threat of extinction. While most business leaders recognise this issue of biodiversity loss and the need to […]
Jul 13

Foolish not to review IR35’ ahead of General Election, says MP

IR35 is ‘Frankenstein’s monster’ and ‘must be slayed’, writes senior Tory MP in latest attack on off-payroll rules A senior MP is the latest Conservative politician to call for widescale changes to the IR35 legislation, which was described as a ‘Frankenstein’s monster’, impacting dynamism, entrepreneurship, jobs and growth. In an article headlined ‘IR35 hits Conservative […]
Jul 5

Brits partied post-Covid – increasing spending by £9bn on clothes and £46bn on going out

New figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show UK household domestic spending spiralled £171.51bn in 2022, compared to 2021. Domestic spending rose from around £1.31 trillion in 2021 to approximately £1.49 trillion. Inflation was, of course, responsible for a sizable part of this increase, due to spiralling energy bills and a barmy Budget. […]
Jul 4

Today’s most influential generation(s): a fresh look at the consumer behaviours of Gen Z and millennials

A recent study has indicated that the behaviours, attitudes, and shopping preferences between Gen Z and Millennials are not as different as what is often portrayed in the media. In fact, both groups display very similar consumption patterns and preferences. Both generations showed a marked preference for short, easily digestible video content such as Instagram […]