Dear Moneyist, My ex-husband and I are court-ordered to rotate the years we claim our child’s tax credits, even though my child lives with him for less than half of the year. He doesn’t pay any of our child’s expenses, such as sports and equipment and school lunches. I have to furnish everything for both […]
How a Navy destroyer operating in the Pacific picked up coronavirus cases remains a mystery, but the top defense official said this week that a drug-smuggling vessel could be to blame. The destroyer Kidd became the second deployed Navy warship to head back to port in about a month after dozens of cases of COVID-19, […]
china mask man coronavirus Kevin Frayer/Getty Images According to The New York Times, seven Wuhan residents who weathered the coronavirus outbreak or whose family members had died from the virus were planning to sue the government in order to get some answers on what missteps may have led to the coronavirus pandemic. But lawyers have […]
United Airlines Holdings Inc. expects to shrink its management and administrative ranks by at least 30% starting in October, according to a memo sent to employees Monday, as the coronavirus pandemic wreaks havoc on the airline industry. That amounts to at least 3,450 people — the first indication of how many are likely to lose […]
An annual online giving campaign that raises billions for charities is holding an emergency version of the event to help people suffering as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Giving Tuesday usually happens on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, but this Tuesday, May 5, organizers are hosting Giving Tuesday Now “as an emergency response to the […]
WeWork’s co-founder and former chief executive Adam Neumann sued SoftBank Group Corp., accusing the Japanese technology group of breaking a key provision of a deal that gave SoftBank control of the shared-office-space company. The civil complaint, filed in Delaware’s Chancery Court, is the latest legal tussle over SoftBank’s multibillion-dollar rescue of We Co., the parent […]
Juul Labs Inc. is moving its headquarters from San Francisco to Washington, D.C., as the e-cigarette maker seeks to repair its relationship with regulators and distance itself from Silicon Valley’s growth-at-all-costs culture, according to people familiar with the matter. The move is part of a broader restructuring plan that includes a reduction in the company’s […]
Give them an inch, and they push a park ranger in the lake. Earlier, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced his phased plan to reopen the Lone Star state, which allowed for people to visit parks, hunt, jog, fish, etc. as long as they practice social-distancing. Some complied, many others did not. Put Brandon Hicks in […]
As nearly half of U.S. states begin to ease restrictions that were put in place to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is quietly projecting a stark rise in the number of new cases of the virus and deaths from it over the next month. Modeling from the […]
The New York City Police Benevolent Association, the city’s largest police union, released a statement Monday arguing that officers should not be tasked with enforcing social distancing ordinances. “The NYPD needs to get cops out of the social distancing enforcement business altogether,” PBA president Patrick Lynch said in a statement. “As the weather heats up […]