Category: Finance News

May 10

Weird and wonderful Mother’s Day gifts to stay connected — vibrating bracelets, virtual classes with top chefs and ‘friendship lamps’

There are no rules for Mother’s Day during a pandemic or any other year, but there are ways you can use technology to say connected in surprising ways. Mother’s Day spending is expected to reach $26.7 billion this year, up from $25 billion last year, despite the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, according to […]
May 9

Amazon whistleblowers call Bezos 'out of touch,' say they were fired for trying to protect warehouse workers from coronavirus Emily Cunningham and Maren Costa, who were both web designers at Amazon, were fired last month after they organized a virtual town hall for Seattle colleagues to hear from the company’s low-paid and largely uninsured warehouse staff. Those workers, Cunningham and Costa said, are toiling in the trenches amid a pandemic that is goosing […]
May 9

Outside the Box: It’ll be ‘Happy MAMA Day’ when we Make America Manufacture Again

It’s understandable why so many American manufacturers moved their operations to China. They saved money on production, increased margins, and competed more effectively. Producing abroad is still more economical, but COVID-19 is reminding everyone, from President Donald Trump on down to the average Joe and Jane, that national defense and health security comes before profits. […]