Category: Finance News

May 31

Protesters tear through D.C. after National Guard troops and Secret Service keep them from the White House

WASHINGTON — Downtown Washington, D.C., was filled with flames and broken glass in the early hours of Sunday morning as large groups of protesters moved through the city for the second straight night.  The protesters caused extensive damage to businesses in the blocks surrounding the White House after a large contingent of law enforcement — […]
May 31

Mutual Funds Weekly: These money and investing tips can help you figure out where stocks are now and where they could be going

Don’t miss these top money and investing features: These money and investing stories, popular with MarketWatch readers this past week, offer ideas about how to manage your financial portfolio and invest strategically at a time when investors have become more optimistic — even as uncertainty about the coronavirus pandemic, corporate earnings and the global economy’s […]
May 30

Trump’s campaign tries to recapture its magic on the virtual campaign trail. Will it succeed? 

WASHINGTON — There are backlit billboards announcing the upcoming campaign event for President Trump. Outside a large arena footage of Trump plays on giant screens as supporters chant “Four more years!” Inside the arena, Trump’s surrogates appear on a large Jumbotron as the crowd roars.  This spectacle seems unthinkable in the age of the coronavirus […]