WASHINGTON — Downtown Washington, D.C., was filled with flames and broken glass in the early hours of Sunday morning as large groups of protesters moved through the city for the second straight night. The protesters caused extensive damage to businesses in the blocks surrounding the White House after a large contingent of law enforcement — […]
Don’t miss these top money and investing features: These money and investing stories, popular with MarketWatch readers this past week, offer ideas about how to manage your financial portfolio and invest strategically at a time when investors have become more optimistic — even as uncertainty about the coronavirus pandemic, corporate earnings and the global economy’s […]
MARKETWATCH FRONT PAGE Space Exploration Technologies Corp. on Saturday successfully launches the first astronauts into space from U.S. soil in nine years. The capsule carrying NASA astronauts reached orbit on its way to the International Space Station. See full story. Record rise in unemployment casts a shadow over Trump’s re-election bid If Americans vote their […]
A rocket ship built by Elon Musk’s SpaceX company thundered away from Earth with two Americans on Saturday, ushering in a new era in commercial space travel and putting the United States back in the business of launching astronauts into orbit from U.S. soil for the first time in nearly a decade. NASA’s Doug Hurley […]
If you’re an investor who doesn’t want to miss out on the next big trend, you had better pay attention to what’s going on in space. When people think about the space business, they may be excited that on Saturday the U.S. finally regained the ability to send people into orbit. That’s a matter of […]
Dear Catey, I am a 40-year-old law-enforcement officer and hope to retire in 13 or 14 years. At that time, I will have 30-plus years on the job with a pension giving me 70% of my current income with a cost-of-living annual percentage increase around 2% or 3%. Additionally I have a little over $60,000 […]
WASHINGTON — There are backlit billboards announcing the upcoming campaign event for President Trump. Outside a large arena footage of Trump plays on giant screens as supporters chant “Four more years!” Inside the arena, Trump’s surrogates appear on a large Jumbotron as the crowd roars. This spectacle seems unthinkable in the age of the coronavirus […]
How do you make $1.7 trillion disappear? A trade war is one way, a new report has found. A study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York adds to previous findings that, despite pronouncements from the White House, Americans are paying — and paying stiffly — for the U.S.-China trade war. “ Whether it […]
“ ‘Go home.’ ” That’s Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, imploring the people of her city to get out of the streets, to quit rioting, to quit damaging property, to quit “disgracing the life of George Floyd and every other person who has been killed in this country.” See:Minneapolis police officer whose kneeling on George […]
Dear Moneyist, I received three direct deposits yesterday for $1,200 each for my kids, all of whom are under 17. They are aged 10, 10 and 15. We already received our $2,400 stimulus check. My wife is on permanent disability and she receives a Social Security payment monthly for them. Were we supposed to get […]