Category: Finance News

Jul 17

Polish 'LGBT-Free' town weighs risk of losing EU funds

KONSKOWOLA, Poland — Surrounded by fields of roses and lavender in tranquil eastern Poland, some residents of the village of Konskowola feel the European Union may be trying to blackmail them. Like about a hundred other municipalities across rural Poland, the local council has declared Konskowola to be free of “LGBT ideology”, reflecting a backlash […]
Jul 16

USA Today says Peter Navarro’s op-ed criticizing Fauci was ‘misleading’ and did not meet ‘fact-checking standards’

Just when the war of words between Anthony Fauci and the Trump administration edged closer to a detente, it suddenly took a turn for the worse. The fractured relationship between President Donald Trump and Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for three decades and a leading expert on pandemics […]
Jul 16

Key Words: Fauci doubles down on criticism of Trump’s coronavirus response: ‘We haven’t even begun to see the end of it yet’

What a difference a day makes. It’s been a turbulent week for President Donald Trump’s relationship with the nation’s top infectious-disease specialist. With a rise in COVID-19 cases in most U.S. states, particularly Texas, Arizona, California and Florida, and reversals by some of their plans to reopen, the White House appears to have acknowledged that […]
Jul 16

The Moneyist: I filed a joint tax return with my estranged wife because she is a gambler and her finances are a mess. But I got NO stimulus check — what can I do?

Dear Moneyist, I am a full-time student and I’m 50 years old. I graduate in December 2020 and maintain a 4.0 GPA so I work hard to achieve academic success. Due to achieving such academic prowess, I was limited to work hours throughout the 2019 year and my combined income was $13,000. I separated from […]
Jul 16

The Moneyist: I didn’t get my stimulus check because I owe back child support. It’s not fair. My stepchildren rely on me — what can I do?

Dear Moneyist, Stimulus checks should not be taken for back child support. Not all people who don’t pay or are behind on child support are deadbeat parents. Sometimes s— happens in life and we are forced to miss payments due to various reasons: losing a job, family emergencies, health reasons, etc. There are legitimate reasons […]
Jul 16

California to release rules for reopening schools on Friday as coronavirus cases mount

FILE PHOTO: California’s Governor Gavin Newsom speaks to the media after casting his vote at a voting center at The California Museum for the presidential primaries on Super Tuesday in Sacramento By Sharon Bernstein SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) – California Governor Gavin Newsom will release new guidelines for opening schools as coronavirus cases continue to mount […]