Category: Finance News

May 30

Trump’s campaign tries to recapture its magic on the virtual campaign trail. Will it succeed? 

WASHINGTON — There are backlit billboards announcing the upcoming campaign event for President Trump. Outside a large arena footage of Trump plays on giant screens as supporters chant “Four more years!” Inside the arena, Trump’s surrogates appear on a large Jumbotron as the crowd roars.  This spectacle seems unthinkable in the age of the coronavirus […]
May 30

In One Chart: There’s only one generation in U.S. history that’s considered to be more unlucky than the ‘Lost Generation’

It’s hard out there for a millennial. In fact, the Washington Post, citing a series of economic haymakers and the struggles that come with them, calls the group born between 1981 and 1996 “the unluckiest generation in U.S. history.” Yes, even unluckier than members of the “Lost Generation,” who reached adulthood near the end of […]
May 29

Former Justice Department official says Trump is 'basically calling for the shooting of protesters'

The former head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division told Yahoo News she feels “absolute and total disgust” over President Trump’s tweet Friday morning that seemed to imply protesters demonstrating against police brutality in Minneapolis should be shot. “Here we have a situation where we should have the Justice Department on the ground in […]