Author: CapitalGainsFund

Mar 26

Coronavirus update: Global case count 526,044 with 23,709 deaths, and jobless benefit seekers soar to historic levels

The number of global cases of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 climbed above half a million on Thursday, and U.S. jobless claims soared to a historic level after workers were laid off or furloughed as non-essential services were ordered to close. The number of Americans who applied for unemployment benefits last week rocketed to a […]
Mar 26

Experts say these factors could help predict where the next coronavirus hot spots in the U.S. will be outside of New York City

While New York City is the U.S. coronavirus epicenter today by a large margin, cases are expected to spread and peak in waves across U.S. cities over the next few months. “It’s like any epidemic; it’s not equal everywhere,” said Dr. Deborah Birx, a public health expert on the White House’s coronavirus response team, at […]
Mar 26

The Moneyist: One of my coworkers was diagnosed with coronavirus, but the office was not cleaned. Can I be fired for refusing to go in?

Dear Moneyist, One of my coworkers was diagnosed with the coronavirus; she is a medical assistant at our dermatology office. We believe she got it from another coworker. No one wants to go in because the place has not been professional disinfected or cleaned. The owner is also seeing patients that are from Lakewood, N.J., […]
Mar 26

A new report warns that the coronavirus pandemic will overwhelm US hospitals and kill 81,000 people by July

US coronavirus deaths could reach 81,000 by July, even with current social distancing measures in place, according to a new report from researchers at the University of Washington. Some hospitals could run out of ventilators and intensive care unit beds as early as mid-April, the report projected. However, the researchers said the initial wave of […]