Author: CapitalGainsFund

Jul 19

Key Words: Roger Stone, longtime Trump ally, drops ‘low-calorie version of the N-Word’ in radio interview, host says

“ ‘I don’t feel like arguing with this Negro.’ ” Those are the words Roger Stone apparently uttered in a live radio interview on Saturday night with Morris O’Kelly, the host of the Los Angeles-based program “The Mo’Kelly Show.” The response came after O’Kelly questioned the role that Stone’s ties with President Trump played in […]
Jul 19

Therese Poletti's Tech Tales: This Wall Street analyst turned his Twitter feed into ‘Sell-Side Stories with Stacy’

Stacy Rasgon has been on Twitter since 2011, but he recently came to the realization that his tweets were a bit boring. “It’s kids and airline-seat pictures,” he thought, noting that his employer, the global asset-management firm Bernstein, does not allow him to tweet about semiconductor companies nor most things to do with the industry […]
Jul 19

The Margin: The ‘best’ Trump interview yet? Fox News host Chris Wallace cheered — and also blasted — for his grilling of the president

President Trump is no fan of Fox News host Chris Wallace, having called him a “wannabe” who is “nasty and obnoxious” and “will never be his father,” the legendary Mike Wallace of CBS News. This latest interview isn’t helping. The two faced off on “Fox News Sunday” over the recent surge in coronavirus cases, mask […]
Jul 19

Back-to-school reopening plans have few details on how many COVID-19 cases would close schools

Even as they recommended working to reopen schools in-person, the nation’s science academies warned, “It is likely that someone in the school community will contract COVID-19.”  Largely missing from the reopening protocols at states and schools around the nation are concrete plans for what administrators will do when coronavirus infections enter a school. The prospect of reopening […]
Jul 17

Consumer complaints to the CFPB are skyrocketing as the coronavirus outbreak continues

Americans filed a record-breaking number of complaints to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in March as the coronavirus pandemic started flooding hospitals and sending unemployment rates soaring. Every month since, consumer complaint numbers have been breaking record highs set the previous month, according to a Friday report from the consumer advocacy group U.S. PIRG and […]