Author: CapitalGainsFund

Aug 15

Next Avenue: A ‘lifequake’ can shatter your reality—how to navigate the twists and turns of major change

This article is reprinted by permission from Life transitions can be jarring at any age, but they often pile on top of each other in your 50s and 60s. Transitioning to retirement…to empty-nesterhood…perhaps to a single life…living through a health trauma. Heck, it’s partly why our site is called Next Avenue. Bruce Feiler, author […]
Aug 15

‘Unless we do this together, we’re not going to get this under control’: Fauci says we can learn from other nations on how to beat COVID-19

What can the U.S. do differently? Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, delivered some blunt messages to the public during an online video interview with actor Matthew McConaughey. There are three key reasons why many island nations and Asian countries, such as New Zealand, Singapore and South Korea, […]
Aug 14

Personal Finance Daily: How the U.S. can emulate South Korea, Singapore and New Zealand to control the coronavirus and refinancing your mortgage will cost more thanks to a new fee

Hope you have a good weekend, MarketWatchers. And don’t miss these top stories: Personal Finance I’m still waiting on my FIRST stimulus check. When will I get it? ‘We, the qualifying taxpayers, should not have to suffer’ ‘I was the supervisor of the department that processed and reconciled parking citations. Since mid-March, the number of […]