A Vermont grocery store worker was fired after stopping a purse snatcher who stole from an elderly woman

A Vermont grocery store worker was fired after stopping a purse snatcher who stole from an elderly woman

20 Sep    Finance News
Pickpocketing, senior, raid, Taschendiebstahl, Seniorin, Ueberfall. 

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  • A grocery store employee was terminated for helping an elderly woman get her purse back from a burglar, WCAX reported. 

  • Amir Shedyak was working during a shift in August when he was told that a woman’s purse was stolen by a man, identified as 29-year-old Adrian Moore, who was running across the store’s parking lot.

  • Shedyak was able to get the purse back and return it to the woman. 

  • But according to Shedyak, he was consequently fired from his job “due to safety issues while on company time” after working there for four years for the incident. 

  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

A 20-year-old supermarket staff employee in Vermont was fired from his job after stopping a man who tried to steal an elderly woman’s purse, WCAX reported.

The Hannaford grocery store employee, Amir Shedyak, told local news that during a shift in August he was told that a man— later identified by authorities as 29-year-old Adrian Moore— snatched a woman’s purse. 

“I look to my right and I see a gentleman running across the parking lot and he had the purse in his hand,” Shedyak told WCAX. Shedyak was able to give the woman back her purse but wasn’t able to stop Moore, who was later charged with larceny for the incident, the outlet reported.

Shedyak said in a Facebook post he had worked with at Hannaford for four years. According to the post, a few days following the incident he was suspended while management conducted an investigation. 

“A week later I received a phone call that the investigation was done and I could come into work for the results,” Shedyak wrote in the post. “The outcome resulted in me getting fired due to safety issues while on company time.”

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“I have no hard feelings towards my coworkers/ managers or the establishment. I just feel that what I had done was not wrong and should not have resulted in me being fired,” Shedyak added.

According to WCAX, Shedyak was able to find a new job shortly after his termination. 

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